May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We all have mental health and just like we can take steps to improve our physical health, we can also be intentional about improving our mental health.
Here are 10 steps to take care of your mental health:
Gratitude: What are you thankful for? Keep a running list in your phone to add to and refer back to when you need a pick-me-up.
Kindness: Be kind to yourself- turn negative self talk into positive affirmations. Be kind to others- random acts of kindness and/or volunteering are great ways to put a smile in your heart.
Take care of your body: Stay hydrated, take a walk, eat healthy.
Quiet your mind: Mindfulness, meditation, prayer.
Find your tribe: People with positive support networks, people they can turn to, rely on and share life with are generally healthier.
Do something new: learn a new skill, take a class, try a new hobby, alter your routine or schedule, have a picnic dinner on a weeknight in a park, try a new recipe.
Laugh: the physical and psychological benefits of laughter are numerous! Tell a joke, watch a comedy, laugh with friends.
Purpose: Stay involved and active (school, work, volunteering, clubs, sports, church) with activities that you enjoy.
Creativity: Creativity, like laughter, has numerous benefits. Write, dance, paint, color, draw, sing, play an instrument, sculpt, design something. It isn’t about the result, the benefits result from the process.
Talk to a professional: 1 in 5 individuals experiences a mental illness throughout their lifetime. It takes courage and strength to reach out for help from a professional when you are going through some of the most difficult days of your life. It is important to know that there is hope and help. You are not alone.